Trichotilomania : Hair pulling disorder
- Person pulls hairs
- Person feels urge or impulse before pulling hairs.
- After pulling hairs person feels relief of tension.
How common is trichotillomania?
- In general less than 1% people suffer from trichotilomania.
- Females suffer more than males.
Why to treat trichotilomania?
- In trichotillomania due to repetitive loss of hairs person looks bad cosmetically.
- Almost one third people with trichotilomania chew their pulled hairs. These chewed hairs make hair ball in their stomach. Person’s intestine gets blocked and person’s health gets deteriorated.
- Many times person with trichotilomania suffers from anxiety, depression, sleep problems and alcohol use.
- To prevent these side effects of trichotilomania person must be treated.
How to treat trichotilomania:
- Psychotherapy:
- CBT cognitive behavior therapy
- Insight oriented therapy
- Habit reversal therapy.
- Medicines