How long does it take to overcome an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people worldwide, presenting a formidable challenge that can disrupt daily life and hinder personal growth. Whether it’s generalized anxiety, panic disorder, social anxiety, or another subtype, the journey to overcome such disorders is deeply personal and often marked by various hurdles and triumphs. One of the most common questions individuals […]

Overview of Anxiety disorder, causes, treatment

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive, persistent, and often irrational worry or fear that significantly impairs a person’s daily life. These disorders can manifest in various forms and severity levels, but they all share the common feature of intense anxiety that interferes with daily functioning. Some common anxiety disorders […]

Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Some people are more prone to experiencing anxiety disorders than others. When it comes to this, some of the things that play a part are heredity, personality, and environment. So there is no definite answer for who will or won’t have an anxiety disorder. If you experience symptoms like sleeplessness, panic attacks, stomach pain, trouble […]

Anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder

Person suffers from anxiety, worries about events, activities and life. Anxiety or worries are difficult to control Person feels restlessness. Irritability. Muscle tension. Disturbed sleep. Worrisome thoughts. Anxiety causes distress and impairment in social & occupational life. How common is anxiety disorder? Almost 5% people suffer from anxiety disorder. Women : men ratio is 2 […]