Masturbation Among Males, Benefits And Risks
Masturbation or Onanism is the sexual stimulation of one’s own sex organs for sexual pleasure to feel the orgasm.
Many methods are used for sexual Stimulation e.g. hands, fingers, sex toys, running against the bed, pillow, etc.
Masturbation is one of the most frequent methods of sexual pleasure among males, especially unmarried males. It has been an unsolved debate between losses and benefits of masturbation in terms of medical and psychological health In general masturbation in private is considered normal. Masturbation has been mentioned since ancient times in almost all cultures. In religious terms, many people describe it as a “heinous or sinful” act.
Some people see it as a spiritually damaging activity, some view it as physically detrimental. The legal status of masturbation has also varied through masturbation in public is illegal in most of the nations.
How much masturbation is OK?
- The frequency of masturbation is affected by multiple factors, e.g., one’s resistance to sexual desire, sex hormone levels influencing sexual arousal, sex life experience sexual, peer pressure.
- Alfred Kinsey’s 1950s research on US subjects showed that 92% of men and 62% of women have masturbated during their lifespan.
- The Merck Manual describes that 97% of men and 80% of women masturbate. In general, males masturbate more than females.
- It is a common belief that individuals who are not in sexually active relationships masturbate more than those who are. But some research reveals contrary results to this belief.
- Some research says that a significantly higher rate of masturbation present in homosexual men.
- Coon and Mitterersay that approximately 70% of married men masturbate at least occasionally.
How do people masturbate?
It involves touching, caressing, pressing, rubbing, or massaging a penis, either with the hand, fingers or against any object such as a pillow; inserting fingers or an object into the anus (anal masturbation); and stimulating the penis with a vibrator, it may also be penetrated the anus. Sometimes it involves touching, rubbing, or pinching the nipple, scrotum during masturbation. A person may apply lubricants some use saliva to reduce friction.
Reading or watching pornography, sexual fantasies, or other erotic stimuli may accompany masturbation to increase sexual pleasure.
Some people get sexual pleasure by inserting objects into the urethra, which is known as urethral play. This practice can lead to injury or infection.
Some men masturbate until they are close to orgasm, then they stop for few seconds delay orgasm, and then start masturbation. They may do this cycle many times.
Common positions include lying on the back or side, sitting, squatting, kneeling, or standing.
Commonly males hold the penis with a fist and move the hand up and down.
Some techniques which may be pleasurable for one person can be uncomfortable for another due to circumcision.
Prostate massage is a technique used for sexual pleasure, often to reach orgasm. Some men achieve orgasm by stimulating their prostate gland using a lubricated finger or artificial penis inserted through the anus. Prostate stimulation can lead to more intense orgasm than penile stimulation.
Anal masturbation with finger or dildo without involving prostate massage is enjoyable for some men. This activity is pleasurable due to the presence of nerve endings in the anal area.
Some men fondle their scrotum, nipples, or other parts of their body. The nipples are also erogenous areas, and their stimulation during masturbation causes the penis erection. During taking bath or shower, a man can direct a water shower at his glans penis, frenulum, testicles to feel sexual pleasure.
Benefits v/s Risks of masturbation:
The American Medical Association declared masturbation normal by consensus in the year 1972. According to them it does not reduce body energy levels or doesn’t produce premature ejaculation. According to the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, “It is considered abnormal only when it…
- Inhibits partner-oriented sexual behavior
- Is done publically
- Is sufficiently compulsive to cause distress
- Is done excessively
Solo masturbation is almost free of the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. If masturbation is done mutually with a partner there is a risk of sexually transmitted, but the risk is still lower than with penetrative sex.
When one partner in a relationship wants more sex than the other, masturbation can provide a channel to release extra sexual desire as a balancing effect to maintain a harmonious relationship.
Some researchers found that males who masturbated and ejaculated frequently had a lower probability of developing prostate cancer, although they could not demonstrate direct causation.
Sexual orgasm leaves a person in a state of relaxation and contentment often followed by drowsiness and sleep.
Some studies show a positive relationship between sexual activities and cardiovascular health.
Risks of masturbation
People who insert objects to enhance sexual pleasure risk them becoming stuck (e.g. as rectal foreign bodies).
Sometimes masturbation can penile fracture due to trauma during masturbation which can cause erectile dysfunction. Injury to the penis can cause Peyronie’s disease, which causes a painful erection and bend in the shaft of the penis.
The contracted foreskin of the penis may get injured in an attempt to pull the foreskin back forcefully, which may cause phimosis.
Compulsive masturbation can be a sign of a Psychiatric problem, which may need to be addressed by a psychiatrist.