Dementia Disorder

Dementia Disorder Dementia is a neuro cognitive disorder. Generally it is a progressive cognition impairing disorder. Progressive deterioration in cognition leads to impairment in social and occupational functioning. Common types of dementia: Alzheimer, Lewy body, vascular, frontotemporal, due to brain trauma, parkinson’s, due to infections of brain, huntington’s, vitamin and nutritional deficiencies, alcohol and drugs. […]

Dissociative Disorder Causes and Treatments

Person presents with different symptoms like forgetfulness, fainting, loss of consciousness, inability to move body part (paralysis like symptoms), breathing problem, possession by spirit, clenching of teeth, cramps in body parts, launching of hands, difficulty in walking, irrelevant talks, loss of identity etc. Many times patient has history of stress in life, sometimes it becomes […]

Trichotilomania : Hair pulling disorder

Person pulls hairs Person feels urge or impulse before pulling hairs. After pulling hairs person feels relief of tension. How common is trichotillomania? In general less than 1% people suffer from trichotilomania. Females suffer more than males. Why to treat trichotilomania? In trichotillomania due to repetitive loss of hairs person looks bad cosmetically. Almost one […]

OCD: Obsessive Compulsive disorder

Person suffers from repetitive thoughts, urges, images. These thoughts, urges and images are unwanted. These thoughts, urges and images cause anxiety and distress to the person. Person tries to control or ignore these thoughts, urges and images. To control stress and anxiety person does repetitive behaviour (hand washing, checking, ordering) or mental activities (counting, praying, […]

Anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder

Person suffers from anxiety, worries about events, activities and life. Anxiety or worries are difficult to control Person feels restlessness. Irritability. Muscle tension. Disturbed sleep. Worrisome thoughts. Anxiety causes distress and impairment in social & occupational life. How common is anxiety disorder? Almost 5% people suffer from anxiety disorder. Women : men ratio is 2 […]

Social anxiety disorder or social phobia

Person is fearful of social situations, social interactions, conversation, meeting. Person is fearful of eating, performing in front of people (giving a speech) Person thinks that he or she will act in a way which will be embarrassing. Person tries to avoid social gatherings, meetings, giving speech, eating publicly. Fear of these situations is out […]

Bipolar disorder Mania:

In this mental illness person suffers from two phases of illness, one is depression another is mania. Person has these symptoms: Mood changes: Mood is either irritable or elevated. Increased self esteem or grandiosity. Increased energy levels and increased activities. Decreased sleep. Talkativeness. Increased ideas in mind. Increased involvement in activities which main lead to […]

Schizophrenia symptoms causes and treatments

It’s a type of Psychosis. Schizophrenia is one of the most debilitating mental illness. How common is it? Almost 1% population is suffering from schizophrenia. In most of the cases schizophrenia starts between age of 15 to 30 years. Symptoms of schizophrenia: Person with Schizophrenia starts living in an imaginary world. 1. Delusion (false belief): […]

Depression is a very serious and one of the commonest illnesses on earth.

Person with depression feels these symptoms – 1. Sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, irritable mood. 2. Decreased interest in activities of day today life. 3. Decreased energy or easy fatigaue. 4. Disturbed sleep pattern (difficulty in sleeping, early morning awakening, excessive sleepiness) 5. Disturbed appetite (increased or increased) 6. Disturbed body weight (increased or decreased) 7. Decreased […]