As Per UNICEF Report, One Of Seven In 15-24 Years Of Age Often Feel Depressed In India

The Covid-19 pandemic has driven a huge number of individuals into anxiety and depression. While its adverse consequence on emotional well-being and mental health has been generally discussed, little is done towards really handling it. As per an overview by International Labor Organization (ILO) – a United Nations office, a large portion of the world’s […]

5 Tips For Dealing With Depression, Details Inside

As the fall is in full swing, our spirits take off from the leaves and drop to their lowest point. Lack of light, falling temperatures, rain, there are many reasons for this seasonal depression which overwhelms us. People suffering from seasonal depression experience many symptoms of traditional depression: irritability, sadness, lack of energy, increased appetite, […]

Are You Feeling Depressed? Meet the Best Psychiatrist in Jaipur

In today’s time, people are very conscious to their health. They do everything to maintain a balance between their physical and mental health. They follow all those things that make them mentally healthy and fit. With the penetration of new technologies, the healthcare system has become more smart and advanced than before. From online consultation […]

In This Covid-19 Pandemic, How To Deal With Hypertension?

The second wave of the Covid-19 has turned our lives upside down. Though the number of cases is going down slowly, still we need to be more careful from the deadly virus. As per the various reports, many people died in this pandemic due to hypertension. Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a […]

Apply These 6 Secret Techniques To Overcome Anxiety And Depression

Mental health in today’s time is essential for every person. Be it is a small child or an older person. Everyone is so entangled between some of the other responsibilities that he or she does not take care of their mental health or mental health at all. Whenever you feel tired, have muscular pain, or […]

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health During Corona Covid 19 Pandemic

Corona Pandemic or Covid 19 can be stressful you. Corona Pandemic has increased stress , anxiety and depression worldwide. Fear and anxiety about a new disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children also. Public health safety activities, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely. Social distancing […]

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder is a child psychological problem. Oppositional defiant disorder seen in child’s behaviour and emotions. Child behaviour is biological as well as psychologically learned. Risk factors for aggressive behaviour in children: Childhood maltreatment, physical abuse, sexual abuse neglect, harsh and punitive parenting. How to understand oppositional defiant disorder:  Angry mood, child loses temper, […]

Tobacco & Smoking Disorder

Tobacco addiction is among the most prevalent, deadly and costly addiction. Tobacco addiction is most ignored and underestimated addiction. Because tobacco does not cause behavioural problems. Tobacco users generally don’t seek psychiatric help for de-addiction. Tobacco is legally available drug, so most people think that tobacco users and smokers do not have health problems. W.H.O. […]