Migraine Headache
Headache & Migraine Clinic in Jaipur
- Migraine: severe throbbing headache. It may one sided or both sided. Generally presents with nausea or sometimes vomiting. Aura may present in the form of visual disturbances, tinnitus, gastric discomfort. Migraine may be familial or genetic. Migraine is commoner among females than males. When attack or episode of Migraine starts patient finds relief in dark and quiet room. Patient shouldn't take painkillers on SOS basis because painkiller doesn't have prophylactic property for next episode of Migraine.
- Brain Hemorrhage: sudden severe headache associated with vomiting, loss consciousness / paralysis, seizures or fits
- Infections : Meningitis/ Encephalitis, Fever with headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, paralysis or fits
- Brain tumor : Progressive Persistent Headache associated with altered consciousness, paralysis, vomiting, hearing or visual problems may present.
- Head Injury
- Eyes: Refractive error, Astigmatism, squint, Glaucoma.
- ENT: Sinusitis
- Trigeminal Neuralgia: Sharp current like pain lasting for few seconds associated with trigger zones on face in trigeminal nerve distribution.
- Persistent Headache
- Disabling Headache
- Headache associated with vomiting / fever / Paralysis/ altered sensorium